Friday, November 29, 2013


1. Explain the term “power”. 

2. Give two real world examples of how power can be used.

3. In politics we discuss three types of power.  Democratic, Laissez-Faire & Autocratic.

3a.Explain each and give an example of when that type of power would be used most effectively.

4. Explain two reasons why Canada became a country back in 1867.

5. Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy.  What does each underlined term mean?

6.Who is the “unofficial” head of government in Canada and in each province?

7. What are the two chambers in the House of Commons? 

8. How are representatives selected for each?

9. List three exclusively Provincial Powers.

10. List three exclusively Federal Powers.

11. List the three LEVELS of Government in Canada.

12. List the three BRANCHES of Government in Canada.

13. List three CIVIL RIGHTS that you enjoy as a Canadian.

14. For one of these rights, explain the responsibility that goes along with it.

15. List three POLITICAL RIGHTS that you enjoy as a Canadian.

16. For one of these rights, explain the responsibility that goes along with it.

17. List three SOCIAL RIGHTS that you enjoy as a Canadian.

18. For one of these rights, explain the responsibility that goes along with it.

19. What is the name of the document that outlines the rights and freedoms of Canadians?

20. Name the two DIVISIONS of LAW in Canada.

21. Name one category of law for each of these two divisions of law.

22. In Criminal Law in Canada, the guilty party must have three criteria present: name and explain each.

23. Explain the term Indictable Offense and name a specific crime in that category.

24. Explain the term Summary Offense and name a specific crime in that category.

25. Sometimes, instead of jail time or a fine, an Alternative Dispute Resolution method may be used to settle a dispute.  Name one and give an example.

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